Technology Innovation Agency

Open Calls

Technology Innovation Agency

Success Stories

Explore a collection of our most impactful projects and the innovative solutions funded by TIA


Performance highlights


Output performance

Technologies commercialised

Bio-based entrepreneurs

SMMEs supported

Services we offer

Funding solutions

TIA offers various funding instruments for the development of innovations and technologies.

Industries we fund

TIA supports and funds innovative technologies in various sectors.

Innovation support

Innovation enabling programmes are TIA support programmes executed to support innovators beyond just funding.

TIA Strategic Roles

The role of TIA


Active Funder

Providing risk funding and support for innovators to progress ideas towards market entry and commercialisation.



Catalyse partnerships between SMMEs, industries, universities and science councils to develop an enabled environment supporting sector specific innovations for global competitiveness



Attract and facilitate late-stage funding for the commercialisation of market ready technologies



To reduce barriers of access to expensive high-end skills and equipment for innovators by repositioning Technology Stations and Platforms.

Whether you have a compliment /complaint / need more information about our services or your application, get in touch with us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Your inquiries are important to us. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, feedback, or concerns using the form below.

    News & Updates

    Read our latest updates

    Welcome to our news and updates section, your go-to source for the latest and most relevant information.

    TIA003/2024 – Development and embedding of a TIA 2.0 Corporate

    TIA was established to promote the development and exploitation, in the public

    • TIATIA
    • May 24, 2024

    TIA002/2024 – TIA Outcomes and Impact Evaluation 2024

    The purpose of this evaluation is to undertake an outcomes and impact

    • TIATIA
    • May 24, 2024