TIA offers various funding instruments to support the development of technologies and innovations. These are differentiated based on the amount of funding required for technology development, the stage of technology development as defined by the technology readiness level (TRL) and whether the applicant’s funding request aligns with the purpose of the TIA funding instruments.

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Technology Development Fund

Supports the development of technologies from proof of concept leading to product prototype and ultimately demonstration thereof in an operating environment.

Fundable activities

Supports the development of technologies from proof of concept leading to product prototype

Funding through support for market testing and validation

Commercialisation Support Fund

Prepares innovators for follow-on funding through support for market testing and validation.

Fundable activities


The purpose of the Seed Fund is to assist innovators at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Science Councils (SCs) and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to advance their research outputs into prototypes and fundable ideas for commercialisation. It also enables innovators to de-risk research outputs for follow-on funding from TIA and/or other funders.

Funding Criteria

SEED Fund Partners

University TTO/Research Councils

Risk adjusted funding to translate research outputs into fundable ideas for commercialisation.​

A multi-tiered package is offered in the Grassroots Innovation Programme.

Grassroots Innovation Programme

A multi-tiered package is offered in the Grassroots Innovation Programme. This support package is complemented through various initiatives and incentives through partnership with public and private institutions inclusive of institutions that facilitate IP protection, supplier development and technology development.

IDEA DEVELOPMENT: Conceptualising & IP protection

BUSINESS MODEL: Product market fit, market feasibility & testing

BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL SKILLS TRAINING: Capability & needs based blended learning opportunities per innovator

TECHNICAL PROTOTYPE DEVELOPMENT: Placement at TIA Technology Stations accessing infrastructure, expertise & support

MENTORSHIP: Individualised coaching on technical & business elements

COMPLIANCE: Support to adhere to business & industry regulation

GIP NETWORK: Partners that can enhance access to market, distribution & additional funding. Including peer learning & media profiling

GRANT STARTUP CAPITAL: Max R200 000 technology development plus, Project fee R60 000/ 12 months

Technology Acquisition and Deployment Fund

The objective of the Technology Acquisition and Deployment Fund is to facilitate the deployment of locally developed technologies by SA technology developers to user clients i.e. Sector Departments and Municipalities. This instrument is also designed to provide market entry support, uptake and commercialisation of South African innovations developed by local technology Start-ups and SMMEs.

Development of technologies from proof of concept leading to product prototype

Leverage TIA funding, through risk sharing with other funders and attract private sector participation

Industry Matching Fund

The Industry Matching Fund is a co-funding instrument with Venture Capital (VCs), Angel investors, institutional investors, and industry. IMF offers market access and incubation as a commercialisation instrument to support late-stage technologies. The fund is structured to leverage TIA funding, through risk sharing with other funders and attract industry participation.

Criteria for co-funding partnership: