Technology clusters
The Technology Innovation Cluster model is TIA’s approach for assessing value chains and stimulating the development of activities and interventions to facilitate sector-level or industry-level engagement through a cross-cutting approach. This approach is intended to address systemic weaknesses that hamper innovation and commercialisation beyond just the provision of funding to individual projects.
A technology innovation cluster is a collaborative multi-stakeholder vehicle geared to identify and achieve common objectives in a coherent manner to create a knowledge-based economy in areas of national priority by stimulating innovative technology development.
Through technology clusters, TIA funds technology development by facilitating an enabling environment for the advancement of technology innovation and commercialisation. TIA manages several Technology Clusters that are strategically aligned with national priorities by collaborating with value chain participants such as public research institutions, entrepreneurs, suppliers, manufacturers both competing and co-operating in an industry.
The objectives of the TIA Technology Cluster model are to:
- Fund technology development in a programmatic framework to improve the competitiveness of local technology-based industries.
- Identify and support key interventions within the value chain and ecosystem to accelerate commercialisation of technologies and facilitate transfer to industry
- Facilitate the creation and expansion of local manufacturing/production capacity
- Facilitate the creation and expansion of local manufacturing/production capacity
- Enable the provision of incubation services to encourage and stimulate interest to commercialize developed intellectual property
- Leverage funds including international funding sources.