Provides access to a high resolution, 3T Siemens Skyra full-body magnetic resonance imaging scanner
The platform provides access to a high resolution, 3T Siemens Skyra full-body magnetic resonance imaging scanner (MRI) and related expertise to support research, development and innovation that will lead to useful biomedical applications. The Centre supports R&D and innovation for improved diagnosis and treatment monitoring across a range of diseases. These include tuberculosis, oncology, neurology, and cardiovascular diseases. The facility also provides training on the use of MRI technologies.
Key Focus areas
- Prenatal alcohol and drug exposure
- Cardiac diseases prevalent in Africa
- Long-term sequelae of living with HIV
- Neurodevelopment and trauma
Key Projects
Neural Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Effects of FASD
The study uses neuroimaging to examine neural correlates of reading impairment in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Preschool children and adolescents (14-15 years) are the subjects of this study.
Combative Craving with Contingency Management
The study correlates MA-abstinence (methamphetamine abuse) outcomes from an 8-week contingency management (CM) program of voucher-based incentives using an escalating schedule that has been successfully implemented as an adjunct to MA treatment by our collaborators in the United States. Pre- and post- treatment neuroimaging and neurocognitive assessments will assist in identifying structures and/or processes that may represent targets for development of novel behavioral and/or medication therapies.
Cognitive Training in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The project involves an intervention consisting of 8 weeks of cognitive training. Working memory, neuropsychological functioning and OCD symptomatology will be assessed pre- and post-treatment. Furthermore, neuroimaging using sMRI and fMRI will be conducted at baseline as well as at the end of the 8-week period. The scan will show any structural or functional changes in the frontostriatal area involved with working memory.

Website: https://cubic.uct.ac.za/