In 2010, the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) committed to support the implementation of the Sugarcane Research Projects to enable research, development and innovation in the sugarcane industry to help it become more competitive. TIA contracted with the SMRI as the Principal Consortium Member and Tongaat Hullet, the Second Consortium Member in May 2012 for the execution of this project which entailed the development of continuous seed preparation system for sugar processing. The initial phase of the project achieved a proof of concept. The second phase of the project, which commenced in June 2021, was to conclude the following milestones: (1a) Crystal seed can be consistently and repeatably made by insonation in a continuous pilot plant system; (1b) Massecuites from the pilot pan show improved CV (Coefficient of variation) and size with insonation formed crystals relative to slurry seeded massecuites; and (2) the completion of a Techno-economic report and Business plan. The project deliverables are on track and is scheduled to conclude in March 2024.
SMRI: Development of continuous seed preparation system for sugar processing